Monday, November 15, 2010


what do you do when u've a little petrol in your bike. no morning class the next day. no 'mid-life crisis' to deal with. and not much to study.(yea right!)
take the bike out for a drive.
well, thats what we did. well, some of us. i dont remember who all though. but himmat was definately in the gang. cant possibly imagine an adventure without himmat.
kmc, is in one way, license to do what you want.
well almost.
so we know, and have been taught by seniors, that any time you're in trouble, mention the name(kmc), show a face thats relatively apologetic, and get away with whatever you've done.
it could be either entering through the city limits or jumping a signal or going the wrong way in a one way lane, mentioning that you're a medico, would help a LOT!
so it so happened, that a few guys, and himmat decide to go to the graveyard, just for kicks. the idea of hanging around the dead seemed to excite them.
a few bottles of coke were bought. along with a packet of chips.
among the tombstones, and a flickering streetlight over head, there dint seem to be much life, and so 12:30 pm was spent chatting up, laughing and pulling each other's legs.
then, suddenly, they heard the gate open, and in came the cops.
"yen madtha idheeri illi? " (what are you doing here?) asks the head cop.
himmat:" sir, kmc!"
what followed was "FFFATTT!" one tight slap across himmat's face. the next minute saw them, rushing out of the cemetry, leaving the coke and chips behind for the cops, and rushing back to the bikes.
and if that wasn't enough, again,i heard this in bits and pieces from the other guys, is this story:
himmat, babar, ashish, joshi and a few others are at thaneer bhavi beach. its one looong stretch of road, wth no street lamps, in the outskirts of the city, and facing a beach beyond a few coconut trees.
again , at night.
there are a few nitk fellows drinking at another part of the beach. the cops come to hear of it, probably because of the noise and come over.
and instead of questioning the nitk fellows first, the happen to question our gang.
"what are you doing here?"
himmat: "sir, kmc!"
"FFATTTT!" One tight slap across himmat's face.
and what ashish believes, is that the cops dont trust that this gang is from kmc, so he reaches out to pull out his wallet in order to show the id card which says, student of kmc.
"FFATTT!" another resounding slap on ashish's face.
what remains to do, is a quick run towards the bikes to get away from the scene. just get on the bikes. and ride away AS FAST AS POSSIBLE before anything worse happens.
now each rider, has a pillion rider, that accompanies the rider for company/navigation or the lack of a bike.
babar, rushed towards his bike, started it, and drove it hard through the mud and tar, when suddenly, he heard a voice.." oye! babar! babar! wait!!"
joshi, our frail, bony, mushroom hair cut. class representative, was seen sprinting fast after babar!
babar forgot that he brought joshi to the beach!

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